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Sunday, March 8, 2009

hyelooooo !

FUH!!! today soo tired yaw!

in the morning woke up... prepare things to go to themepark!!

morning sioll .. wah sooo tired..hahas..

around 8 plus otw goignt o dhe themepark.. around 9plus reach..

then go mkn at pizzhutt dhen ... BRUPPSSS!

hehehe!... soo full .. then go themepark..

enter dhe park only look soo bored!!!

some games cnt play...!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrr! wasteting tym sioll !

soooooooo look2 around .. & i play dhe wad they called?? ship?? wad ship ..i also dk? hahahas

sooo i juz play laaa... but fck seram manxxx! wow!

hahahs ..

sooo finish wif she shipping thingy.. i went to haunted house!

abit scary laaaa..

sooo after the haunted house i went to plzy go cart... FCKING long sia the qeu...!!

waited fer 2 hour !! but it was fun ah ..

soooo after the go cart i went to wild wild wet...

before reach there ... a group of garl.. come towards me & asking num... dhen i say that... "my hp lost ah sorie" hehehe!

sooo they go away.. but stil same person .. inside the wild wild wet ... always looking at me .. irritating sial!

garls now a days.. hmmms... ish3

soooooooo after the wild wild wet we went home ..

home sweeet home!


yawn tired sia now! yawn!!! zzzzzzzzz

gtg now bye!

gggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr sooooooooooooooo stttttttttttrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeessssssssssssfffffffuuuuuuuuuullllllllllllllllllll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!